As long as there are careless and reckless drivers, those who drive drunk, and those who are unsure of the rules of the road, there will be car accidents. And it can happen to anyone at any time, often through no fault of their own.

Unfortunately, many of the drivers who cause car accidents do not have adequate insurance coverage and will not be held responsible. If you are ever in a car accident, you should prepare in case you have to sue the other person. It’s hard to keep a clear head during a stressful time like a car accident. Here are 10 important tips to remember if you are ever in a car accident.

Shock Tip 1:

It goes without saying that you should always make sure that you and your passengers are safe. Call 911 immediately if someone is hurt. Any delay could be deadly.

Shock Tip 2:

If no one is hurt, get out of traffic. Many people are injured after accidents when they are struck by vehicles that do not see the cars stopped on the road.

Shock tip 3:

Look around you and take note of important details about the accident. Who is the other driver? Are there witnesses to the accident? You will want to report them to the police. Look for various things: tire marks, broken glass, car parts, etc. This can be important evidence for investigating police and today most people have access to a digital camera or camera phone (see Shock Tip 6).

Shock Tip 4:

Get the information you need from the other driver. Ask for their name, address, phone numbers, insurance company, and agent.

Shock tip 5:

Do not avoid the police officer. Tell him everything you know about the car accident. However, don’t point out that he is at fault, even if he thinks he is. After an investigation, you may find that you were not responsible for the accident after all.

Shock Tip 6:

Take photos. Most cell phones have cameras or you may have one in your cars. Photograph everything: the scene, the road and its conditions, and the people in the other vehicles. Pictures can do many things that words cannot and can also expose any falsehoods told by other drivers.

Shock Tip 7:

Make sure you know who the witnesses are because you may want to contact them later. Ask them for their names, addresses, and phone numbers. If you go to court, your testimony will be needed.

Shock Tip 8:

Even if it appears that you and your passengers were not insulted, seek medical attention anyway. You may be suffering from shock or even an internal injury that goes undetected.

Shock Tip 9:

An accident report must be available within three days of the accident. Be sure to get a copy of the report. Check for factual errors or omissions.

Shock Tip 10:

After the accident, contact a Houston car accident lawyer as soon as possible. You may be able to recover the costs of damages, medical expenses, and other costs related to the accident.

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