Asphalt Be Laid in the Rain

There are several reasons why you should not lay asphalt in the rain. For one, rain can soften the surface and lead to cracking and spalling. For another, water will dilute the asphalt binders, causing them to break down prematurely. Therefore, you should delay work when the ground is wet.

Another reason not to lay asphalt in the rain is its oil repellency. Oils that remain on the surface will separate from the Asphalt, which will lead to cracking and potholes. This will affect the appearance of your lot. If you do not want to risk a pothole, you should wait until the weather is dry.

If you do have to pave in the rain, you should pause the work for a day or until the rain stops. A heavy downpour will likely delay the project for several days, while a light rain may allow you to complete it the same day. Whether you decide to pave during the rain is a matter of personal preference and the laws in your area. However, if you do decide to pave in the rain, make sure the asphalt surface is stable and well-drained.

Why Shouldn’t Asphalt Be Laid in the Rain?

Another reason why you shouldn’t pave in the rain is that asphalt does not completely cure until it is at least 6 months old. If it is wet, it can lead to cracking and rutting, causing it to break down prematurely. Because of this, it is important to plan your work for the dryest weather.

If you are planning to pave your new driveway, you should make sure that you schedule it in dry weather. The moisture can cause water logging, which will compromise the durability of the asphalt. In addition, it takes time for the asphalt to dry out, so it is better to wait until the weather is dry.

You should also consider the time of year when the asphalt is laid. The best time to pave your driveway is in late spring or early summer. In general, asphalt is happiest when temperatures are mild. However, if the asphalt is laid in freezing weather, it might cause problems.

Another way to protect your driveway from the rain is to cover the surface when it rains. If the area is large, you should also consider installing a proper drainage system. This will prevent pools of water from collecting on the surface. Curbing or sloping your driveway will also prevent water from entering the subgrade layer of the asphalt.

You can also cover freshly laid asphalt with a tarp or hire a commercial dryer. Asphalt is best poured when it is warm and pliable, and freezing ground can cause it to become stiff and set prematurely.

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