Why do we use body blows? Young time fighters often do not understand why this technique is so important. Young fighters are always looking for the big knockout, but knockouts are very difficult to achieve without body shots. It is imperative to master this offensive style if you are going to be a fighter.

There are three very important reasons to use body shots. The first is to take off your opponent’s legs or slow him down. Your opponent will cover their face, the body shots will surprise them and lose their balance, and this will remove their legs. Once you have their legs removed, you have them in position to knock them out or at least score points with the judges.

The next reason to use this type of punch is for your opponent to lower his hands to block his body, thus leaving his head open for a knockout. After a proper body shot, your opponent will drop his hands, with the perfect headshot you can score a knockout. You’d be using this to set up the knockout punch, the ultimate in boxing. You can use hooks or uppercuts all in combination with each other. When the uppercut lands in the perfect spot, the solarplexis, this will take your opponent out of breath leaving them open for the head knockout.

The last reason is the absolute punishment that the body receives and then breaks the will of your opponent. How does this take down your opponent? They are confused; They do not know whether to cover their heads or their bodies, they are exhausted from the constant defense. Close range body shots are much safer than long range body shots. Long distance shots leave you wide open to counter. You can use close range body shots. When you’re in the pocket, your shots need to be short and precise with plenty of power behind them. The key to this is to bend your knees as you go. By doing this, you are dominating your opponent, again scoring points with the judges. Not all fights end with a knockout, but you will definitely gain confidence from the judge’s decisions. In general, you just have to be relentless as an amateur and professional fighter.

Some of the best body punchers are Roberto Duran and Julio Cesar Chavez.

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