Complaint Based on a Disability

You can file a complaint if you feel that someone is discriminating against you based on your disability discrimination in Ontario. The Human Rights Code in Ontario prohibits any form of discrimination and harassment. There are also provisions regarding harassment, retaliation, and ableism. If you feel that someone has discriminated against you based on your disability, you can file a complaint with the Human Rights Commission.

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario can order an organization to change their policies or pay a compensation. If an organization violates a person’s human rights by discriminating, the tribunal may require them to make changes in their policies or pay damages. Organizations should also develop policies that are inclusive and address the needs of their employees. Once someone files a complaint, they must be willing to change their policies and practices.

disability lawyertoronto

The duty to accommodate is an important part of the Canadian human rights law. It imposes legal obligations on all actors, including employers and business owners, to accommodate individuals on the basis of prohibited grounds. Discrimination based on gender identity and expression is a prohibited ground. It is a legal requirement that an employer should accommodate disabled employees to the best of its ability. If an employer refuses to accommodate an employee due to his disability, they are liable for any discrimination based on that ground.

How to Make a Complaint Based on a Disability

Canada has ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2010. This Convention was drafted after consultations between federal, provincial and aboriginal groups. It is now available in American Sign Language. The Convention is monitored by the UN’s Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. You can find out more about your rights and your options. There are several different ways to make a complaint based on disability.

Detecting subtle forms of discrimination can be difficult. When you take a holistic look at all of the circumstances and the overall picture, you can tell if a rule is discriminatory. Sometimes seemingly neutral rules can have a negative impact on people with disabilities. If you are discriminated against based on your disability, you must be willing to file a complaint. This can take time and money.

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