We are delighted to announce that after months (years) of study, research, and experimentation, we have finally found a cure for tinnitus wheezing/ringing in the ears!

Our cure for wheezing tinnitus uses a holistic approach, through a combination of nutrition, exercise, sound therapy, and subliminal programming, to heal your body, mind, and spirit.

The final piece of the puzzle was subliminal programming, using sound and images to convey positive healing affirmations, which the conscious mind does not see or hear, but the powerful subconscious mind does perceive and receive these messages.

To experience the full benefits, you will need to watch the video for at least 30 days. By using your PC’s split screen advantage, you can have the subliminal video running in a small window, while you continue to browse, work, read emails, etc. on the main screen. Your subconscious mind will take in whatever comes its way.

We also create pleasant ambient backgrounds of relaxing sounds like surf, rain, campfire, etc., mixed with brainwave entrainment (alpha brainwave rhythms that put the subconscious mind in a receptive state to absorb messages).

During the day we show the video in the background for 3 or 4 ten minute intervals, and at night we play the same sounds in mp3 files, for those times when the tinnitus may seem worse, initially acting as a sound masker , but with the benefits of rescheduling.

Doctor, heal yourself.

The most important part of this healing process is that you must want the change and believe in the process.

Positive affirmations were gleaned from our years of research, but we found that even though we agreed in principle with these common-sense recommendations (healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, regular exercise, positive thinking, etc.), our conscious mind repeatedly sabotaged them. our good intentions

“I’m too tired to exercise today” – regular exercise will actually make you stronger and fitter, and ultimately make you feel less tired.

“I’m just having a drink to help me sleep, because of the tinnitus.” That drink will not help your tinnitus and may actually be the cause of your tinnitus.

I can’t be bothered to cook a meal, we’re going to order takeout” – Your body should be treated with respect, these foods contain a lot of salt and sugar, beyond the recommended daily intake.”

These, and many other excuses, were the monologue we had with ourselves, despite knowing there was a better way.

Is it any wonder your body has responded by sending a bugle call (the sound of tinnitus) to wake you from your sleep and alert you to needed changes?

Most popular theories about tinnitus agree that tinnitus is not a physical ailment (which is why doctors cannot find a cure), but tinnitus is a matter of perception (which is conveyed by the powerful mind subconscious).

Likewise, our efforts to reprogram our subconscious for our desire to change are perceived by the subconscious mind as our intention to go through with the changes. The subconscious mind is a very powerful ally, it only wants the best for you. He wants to help you live a rich, fulfilling and peaceful life, free from stress and worries. The subconscious mind is your personal genius, a power greater than yourself, while at the same time, being yourself.

We have all been programmed to believe many memes and false beliefs in all walks of life. Many people are starting to wake up to the truth now, but usually it’s because they’ve come as far as they can and want to change to a better lifestyle.

For me, this wake-up call was the debilitating sound of sibilant tinnitus in the ear, which was absolutely unbearable at times. For others it can be any form of addiction such as gambling, alcoholism, drugs. For others it may be personal relationships, depression, feelings of not being worthy, etc.

Like the compulsive gambler, or the alcoholic, these problems cannot be overcome until the victim (not their friends or family) wants to be cured. Hopefully they will then enter the Recovery Programs, of which the main step is that they came to believe in a power greater than themselves.

That power is not Jesus, or Buddha, or any other ‘God’. They are themselves, their own Higher Power, which is the hidden and powerful subconscious mind. Doctor, heal yourself. Get in touch with your Higher Self. Start the dialogue and become the change you want to be.

As we continued with the program, we gradually noticed a change in our attitudes and beliefs, and began to live a healthier lifestyle, and… the tinnitus was no longer there. If we ‘got off the wagon’ it would come back, but not with such devastating effects as in the past.

What did Jiminy Cricket (almost) say?

“And always let your (sub“Conscience be your guide.”

We have spent a lot of time and money on products and programs that claim to cure tinnitus, and none of them have worked. However, we have learned a lot from all of these various products and have merged our knowledge into a complete holistic system that works.

We’ve decided that we’ll put together a package (electronic ebook), mp3 album, and subliminal video, and once it’s ready (within a week, hopefully), we’ll offer it for a very, very low price for readers of this article. Hopefully you will also be cured of tinnitus and will be kind enough to write a short supporting testimonial.

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